It was this day, a year back, when the first full fledged BJP government took the reigns in Karnataka and proved a gateway for BJP in South India. An unprecedented gathering of BJP Karyakarthas, well wishers, supporters thronged the venue. It was an ocean of those enthusiastic faces with the tears of delight and fulfillment in their eyes. When I took oath in the presence of this sea of humanity, I could clearly make out the entirety of responsibility put on my shoulders.
It has been a year of learning, a year of knowing the problems, a year of understanding the bureaucracy, and a year of sincere efforts to find solutions.
An eventful year this has been, where my colleagues in the Party, my friends, more especially my family and my officers stood with me to make my endeavor joyful and contented! I feel happy for having been successful in not letting the intoxication of power reach my head!
This day of anniversary, I rededicate myself to march forward on the path of serving the people and the State through the responsibilities assigned to me!
-S Sureshkumar
Namaste Sureshji,
Congratulations on completing 1 year in office. BJP govt has done commendable job in quite many areas and has earned people's praise. But one area I would like to throw light where not much activity has happened is LAW.
In the manifesto you had promised speedy justice , starting evening courts & special courts what has happened to that. No work has been done in this direction and legal system has worsened. Family courts did not have judges for a long time ,there is heavy backlog of cases in the family courts and the existing judges are not interested or inspired to provide speedy justice. Situation in magistrate courts are not rosy either.Many magistrates in bangalore courts were made to take care of cases of 2-3 halls.
Most of the authorities in power(read judges) lack basic knowledge in changes in law.(i.e new high court decisions or Supreme court decisions). They badly need training. There is severe shortage of typists and stenos in family courts and magistrate courts.Because of this judges are giving dates and causing further delay. Sir, pls note that court judgements whether they are related to family matters or anything have tremendous potential to change the course of life of individuals. Delay is killing people mentally and making them bankrupt as they have to pay greedy lawyers.Infrastructure in court is a gig concern.No proper toilets,no benches for litigants to sit,senior citizens face a lot of problem climbing the stairs .lifts either do not function or are too crowded. Pls look into these on a war footing.
Dear Suresh sir
Yes it was indeed a great moment not just for you but many of us who had silently admired you (cutting across party affiliations) over many years to see you take oath as minister last year. You have done many things which have made us very proud. Thanks...
Thanks for letting me know about your blog. We totally appreciate your effort.
Dear Mr.Suresh Kumar,
Congratulations to you and your team.Dear Sir while there is lot of work done by the government i think thers tremendous scope to make this governement PRO-PEOPLE.
1.Please keep your watch on Secuirty of the state.
2.Please build infrastructure like roads,ports,schools and protect the rivers,lakes,ponds and FORESTS(especially WESTERN GHATS)
3.Farmers should be trianed on organic farming,scientific irrigation and rain water harvesting.
Please take this as my humble suggestions,Since KARNATAKA is the only state in south where BJP has strong base ,the governement will be watched across the southern states.
Dear Suresh Kumar,
First of all iCongratulate for creation of ur blog and Political career Anniversary. I would like ur simplicity, and efficient work. Government has adopted computerization work in various municipalities, like birth & Death and property tax modules. So it is very easy and paster service to publics. Once again i congratulate for u sir.
Dear Suresh Kumar,
I want to bring to your notice a photo op-ed
This cannot be state of Bangalore. We cannot have open drainage system in Bangalore. It has already been 1 yr since BJP came to power. We look forward to people like you to fix these problems.
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