February 03, 2010



Pls see this article appeared in Vijay Karnataka Kannada daily  dated 03-02-2010. Let the enjoyment of reading be yours
- S.Sureshkumar


Unknown said...

Dear Sir...

I liked the sarcastic humour at the begining of your article!!We need to give choices to the so called Generation "X".Anything forced on them will not be accepted by them,but when they realise that there is something to gain in terms of health ,peace and a great future,they will definitely will be interested.
Sir if you visit any book shops you would find a lot of books on'YOGA' written by foreigners.If holywood actress like JENIFFER ANNISTON'starts practicing yogasana,it becomes a NEWS in OUR media.....other wise we turn our back on the same.We need to develop a sense of pride in our culture by educating about the same to the new generation,but the choice need to be offered to them.The RESIDENTIAL schools of INDIA only preparing the students to be prepared a life in US,while the US is fighting its battle with OBESITY,DIVORCES,CHILD PREGNANCY and corporate FRAUDS.
Puneeth Kumar

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,

Since the BBMP elctions are postponed again,now BJP has a chance to introduce the 'BANGALORE GOVERNANCE' bill.If provided with an oppurtunity peole would select a right person as their 'Mayor' and also i staunchly believe BJP n would have many such right people for the same.

Ravikiran Gopalakrishna said...

Restpected Sir,
Nice article. The sarcastic humor tells a lot..!! As you have mentioned gandhi, Nehru have become a mere joke. Its really painful to see this… but have we thought of the basic reason behind this..? Every city has atleast 2 roads named after gandhi..! Any govt work (even if it’s a toddy factory) will bear the name of Gandhi (may be Rajeev, Indira or even Sonia… but who cares… all they see is Gandhi) or Nehru. So… who in the first place taking sacredness out of their name…?!!