The Officers have worked to my satisfaction and the event was a memorable one. The event was organized in Central College, Jnana Jyothi Auditorium where convocations for the Graduates are held every year. While addressing the gathering of all the representatives from local bodies, I told this was an event of the same magnitude of convocation. While the students are offered medals with a view to instill competition, the local bodies too are offered the awards for their performance.
Facts like how effectively the local bodies are functioning, how effectively they are utilizing and generating the resources are considered while short listing the local bodies for the awards.
Just before the awards were announced, I went back to the mike again and made a tongue in cheek remark, if we need to institute an innovative award from next year for the worst local bodies. Obviously every one stood up to say NO! But I feel, if such an award is instituted, there will surely be a real competition at least not to get to so low!
There was an atmosphere of expectation, jubiliation and an urge to participate more creatively in the future. Yes, I know, each and every local body has to go a long way before getting to the top of the happiness index of the citizen in their respective towns and cities. I also know that for getting to that position, we need to have a mindset changeover of the city administration.
Todays event is a small beginning but a sure one which I feel has the potential to ignite the urge to perform.
Dear sir, This is great encouragement for the local bodies, I hope the judges are considered the coruption aspect while selecting, kindly select the corporators who are non corupt, eficient and who will implement the works requierd to their ward, then there will be good competition for the devolopment of their area
Dear Suresji!
"Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance"-Swamy Vivekanada
Since i would comment only on 'CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICIM",I didnt post my comment against a persons mindless criticism about this blog posted on your facebook!I only rememberd about Swamijis statement and your work!
Dear Respected sir,
It is the Milestone of the Developments. It really shows healthy Competition as well as pro people. I am observed and observing that, you are doing your as per your statement.
So, we always with you Sir.
With regards,
"Bharathi charan" Moodubage,
Ampar Village, Kundapur Tq
UDUPI DIST - 576211
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